Though the humidity is certainly unpleasant. It’s hard to seriously contemplate anything when my thoughts are focused on my next shower. With the sporadic thundershowers, it’s like being in Florida, but without the theme parks and beaches.
I just don’t have the energy to go through Previews. The order form is sitting there like unfinished biology homework. I’m grateful to the Periatikons for sending me a copy of Blankets, but it’s too heavy to lift. It would slip through sweaty fingers and crush a cat.
Between the sultry heat and pounding rain, the yard is badly in need of attention. Everything looks battered, and I should go out and clean it up, but there’s no air conditioning out there. The thought of going to the gym makes me groan, because the air conditioning in the locker room is on the fritz. I’ll leave to your imaginations the unpleasant consequences of that state of affairs.
Even my reading habits have become sluggish. I keep going to the library and checking out books I’ve already read, because they’re comforting and don’t require mental effort. (My ambition extends only so far as looking for Discworld novels I haven’t read yet. But Terry Pratchett is very popular with the local library crowd, and my timing hasn’t been very good.)
And I can’t get that grapefruit gelato out of my mind. They were serving it at a stand in the new shopping mall at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, and I really, really wish I had some right now.
But at least I have the energy to whine.