I’m about to go vote, because the alternative is just too horrible. When I vote with my dollars in tomorrow’s ComicList election, the big winner is likely to be Viz.
A new title by Usumaru Furuya is a big reason why. He’s so weird and smart. Here’s what Viz says about the Genkaku Picasso:
“Hikari Hamura, nicknamed Picasso because of his natural artistic abilities, survived a horrible accident, but his friend Chiaki wasn’t so lucky. Suddenly, Chiaki appears in front of him and tells him in order to keep living he must help the people around him. Can Hikari save people with his sketchbook and a 2B pencil?”
In the interest of full disclosure, I’d pick up a new Furuya series no matter how it was described, but this one sounds fun.
Viz also offers some new volumes of fun series:
What looks good to you?