Upcoming 12/5/2007

I hear that in some cultures, people actually drive more cautiously in inclement weather conditions. Has anyone actually seen this behavior manifest itself? Because it’s apparently only folk legend in these parts. Anyway, if I live until then, here’s what caught my eye on the ComicList for Wednesday.

I’m a little confused. The list says that the fourth volume of Andy Runton’s charming Owly series is due out, calling it Don’t Be Afraid. Top Shelf calls it A Time to Be Brave and says it doesn’t come out until January. Amazon agrees with ComicList on the shipping date and Top Shelf on the title. Eh… it’ll show when it shows, and I’ll be happy.

Oni sent me a preview copy of James Stokoe’s Wonton Soup, and it’s interesting. There’s some serious mash-up going on… bits of Iron Wok Jan! and Men At Work and ninja-pirates in space, though no zombies that I can recall. It’s not bad, but I’m not quite sure it combines its ingredients to become its own thing. Stokoe certainly seems talented, though.

Tokyopop and Viz make up for essentially abdicating last week, pumping out about 40 volumes between them. I’ve been meaning to catch up with Welcome to the NHK once Genshiken finished (as it seemed ill-advised to cross the beams between those two), though I’m not quite ready for tomorrow’s fifth volume. And I seem to recall that Nosatsu Junkie got a really good review in Manga: The Complete Guide, so I’ll have to put that on the catch-up list as well. I’ll only be four behind on that one.