Paper products

I was glad to see this announcement at Comics Worth Reading about an upcoming collection of Tyler Page’s Nothing Better. It started as a self-published pamphlet, then moved to a web-to-print model. After a somewhat mixed reaction to the first issue, the story grew on me, but the promise of an eventual collection and a preference for comics I can hold kept me from sampling new chapters on-line. Now, Page is looking for pre-orders for a volume collecting the first seven chapters. I’ll be ordering one, and I hope the plan works out.

CWR also reminds me of another ill-fated floppy made good, Elk’s Run, by Joshua Hale Falkov and Noel Tuazon. It started out self-published, got picked up by short-lived Speakeasy, and, after Speakeasy’s implosion, seemed like it might be consigned to unfinished comics limbo until it got picked up for collected release by Random House’s Villard imprint. This is one of those books where I really wanted to know what happened next, so I’m looking forward to the arrival of the trade paperback.

Now, when am I going to see a new issue of Lackluster World from Eric Adams?

Updated with the happy answer: “Lackluster World #4 goes to the printer next week and will debut at SPACE on April 21 &22.”