
The hubbub in Marshall, MO, over Fun Home and Blankets made me think it was time to talk a walk down memory lane of other controversies that have flared up over graphic novels in libraries.

  • High-school columnist objects to inclusion of “written garbage” like Mew Mew in school libraries in Maine. (Link)
  • Shonen Jump pulled from Scholastic Book Fairs because “who knows what ‘teen’ means?” (Link)
  • Florida parent shocked at content of Peach Girl. (Link)
  • California library removes Paul Gravett’s Manga: 60 Years of Japanese Comics. (Link)

For anyone needing a palate cleanser, there’s always the American Library Association’s nominations for Great Graphic Novels for Teens, which includes recent additions like La Perdida, Pyonyang, Mom’s Cancer, American Born Chinese, and Life.