I’m so glad Television Without Pity is recapping Top Chef. Keckler, the recapper, seems to have contempt for exactly the same people I did as I watched it, which is always a good sign. It’s a nice way to pad out their offerings during the slower summer months and give me something to read between episodes of Project Runway and that utter train derailment, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. (I know I should try and better myself and rise above entertainments that basically just point the camera at the crazy person, but have you seen her?)
Speaking of Project Runway, I think it’s off to a good start. Michael Kors seems to be taking a somewhat higher dosage of anti-depressants than usual, which is unnerving, but Nina Garcia fails to conceal a smirk better than anyone else on television, Tim Gunn is adorable, and there’s something inexplicably delightful about watching Heidi Klum having the time of her life. Oh, and the contestants are okay, but I’m really just in it for the hosts and judges.
(On Klum: does anyone else suspect that she has a line tattooed on her thighs that only appears under ultraviolet light but lets designers and tailors know exactly where her hem should fall? Because it’s always the same, whether it’s a skirt or a top over slacks, and it’s always at an impeccably becoming length. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Michael, but please just use the light as you pin the hem, okay?”)
Okay, now to the real reason behind this post. I made some really good pesto the other weekend, and I want to make it again (because we have tons of basil), but I want incorporate it into risotto this time. I’m thinking that I should just mix it in at the last minute when I would have added the grated parmesan, as it probably wouldn’t do too much for the basil to actually cook it. Has anyone out there made pesto risotto, and can you offer any suggestions as to timing or proportions?