There won’t be a new Flipped column this week. Between work and life and other activities, I just couldn’t find the right combination of time, energy and inspiration. I would like some feedback for another topic I’m planning to explore, if you have a few minutes.
It involves the relative green-ness of the manga industry, and I’m curious about what manga consumers think about the issue. So here are some general questions:
Would you object to lower paper quality if you knew that there was a higher percentage of recycled pulp in use?
Would you pay a marginally higher price for manga if you could be certain that the price differential was being used for more environmentally sound production practices – non-toxic inks, recycled paper, reduced energy consumption from printers, and the like?
How do you dispose of your unwanted manga? Do you trade it? Sell it on an auction site or to a used bookstore? Donate it to a local library or other organization? Or just pitch it in the trash?
If you’d like to offer your thoughts, you can either post them in the comments here, or e-mail me at DavidPWelsh at Yahoo dot Com or welshdav at Gmail dot com. I’m just looking for a general sense of people’s opinions on the subject and what they’d prefer as consumers. If you don’t want your comments quoted in a future column, just mention that in your e-mail. I’d still appreciate the feedback.
(Also, does anyone know of a good WordPress poll/survey widget?)