Jiggety jig

So an unexpected mini-emergency threw my weekend plans into something of a tailspin, and I ended up needing to hit the road. The only reading I had time to do was the second volume of Absolute Boyfriend, which was about as deep as I was prepared to go, so I’m glad I threw it into the suitcase.

Happily I already had an interview with the lovely and talented Ed (MangaCast) Chavez in the can for this week’s Flipped, so I didn’t need to worry about that.

But other stuff I’d planned to work on went by the wayside. The rambling, self-involved meditation on precisely what I think is happening in the first chapter of Gerard & Jacques; the review of Secret Comics Japan that fixates largely on how awesome Usamaru Furuya is; the deep cleansing breath I can enjoy now that Hot Gimmick is over…

Consider yourselves spared, because I have just enough energy to fill the tub and read Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things.