Love Manga is back! Love Manga is back! Love Manga is baaaaaaaack!
Lea Hernandez is awarding grants to support women in webcomics:
“In order to foster women publishing independently, with economy, and as owners of what they create, I will award FOUR grants annually, of a year’s free hosting at, to women making a regularly-updating new or existing webcomic of any genre or style. The recipients will have unlimited data storage and bandwidth, the ability to choose to support their work with ads, and a storefront for selling merchandise.”
Details are here.
The folks behind the Doug Wright Awards for Canadian Cartooning are running another fund-raising auction. This time around, it’s a page of art by Chester Brown. When I checked, bids were up to $810. The auction is listed here.
Speaking of Canadians, Christopher Butcher teases the prospect of laughter and tears in this week’s Publishers Weekly Comics Week.
Last and least, there’s a new edition of Flipped up at Comic World News.