Ganges #1, Fantagraphics (SH)
Gaylord Phoenix #3, self-published (NB)
Gemma Bovery (RK, CM, CR, KW – 4)
Genshiken Vol. 3, Del Rey (CR)
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Ani-manga, Viz (CR)
Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface, Dark Horse (CR)
Godland, Image (CM)
Graphic Novels: Everything You Need to Know (RCH)
Hikaru No Go (JDC)
Hikaru No Go Vol. 5 (CR)
Hogan’s Alley (RK)
Hopeless Savages: B-Sides: The Origin of the Dusted Bunnies (JDC)
Hot Gimmick, Viz (JDC)
I”s Vol. 4, Viz (CR)
Ice Haven, Pantheon (JH, RK, TU, KW – 4)
The Innocents, Fantagraphics (TU)
International Journal of Comic Art (RK)
Iron Wok Jan, DrMaster (RV)
It’s Superman! Chronicle Books (KW)
The Island (ED)
Jack Cross (RCH)
Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, JH Club (PG)
JSA Classified #1-3, DC (RCH)
Justice N Mercy: the Concept Art of Min-Woo Hyung, Tokyopop (NB)
King, Fantagraphics (DD, CR, RV – 3)
Krazy & Ignatz 1935-1936, Fantagraphics (RCH, AS, CM, RV – 4)
Krazy Kat (RK)
El Largo Tren Oscuro, La Luz (PG)
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, Gemstone (CM)
Likewise #3, Slave Labor Graphics (NB)
Little Lulu (ED, JH, RK- 3)
Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays (DD, ED, RCH, JH, RV – 5)
Livewires, Marvel (RV)
The Long Haul, Oni Press (DS)
Love and Rockets (ED, RK, CM, DS – 4)
Luba #10 (RK)
Magic Beach (RCH)
Maximum Fantastic Four, Marvel (CR)
MBQ, Tokyopop (CR)
The Merchant of Dennis the Menace (ED)
Modern Arf (RCH)
Modern Masters: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, TwoMorrows (RCH)
Mome, Fantagraphics (CM)
Mome, Vols. 1 and 2, Fantagraphics (DS)
Mutts (RK)
Nana Vol. 1, Viz (DD, CR – 2)
Nat Turner (RCH, KW – 2)
New West (RCH)
New Yorker Book of Art Cartoons (RCH)
Night Fisher, Fantagraphics (CR, KW – 2)
Nil, Slave Labor Graphics (DD)
Now Who Do We Blame? (RK)
Optic Nerve #10, Drawn and Quarterly (JH, AS – 2)
Ordinary Victories, NBM (CM, CT – 2
Or Else, Drawn and Quarterly (CM, RV, KW – 3)
Or Else #2, Drawn and Quarterly (SG, RK, TU – 3)
Or Else #3, Drawn and Quarterly (SG)
Owly: Just a Little Blue, Top Shelf (JDC)
Owly: Flying Lessons, Top Shelf (JDC)
Palookaville (RK, DS – 2)
Paul Moves Out (KW)
Perfect Example (KW)
La Perdida, Fantagraphics (DS)
The Pin-Up Art of Dan DeCarlo, Fantagraphics (NB, KV – 2)
Planetary, DC/Wildstorm (RK, RV – 2)
Planetes, Tokyopop (JDC, TU – 2)
The Plot (RCH, KW – 2)
Pluto Vol. 2, Shogakukan (DD)
Powers, Marvel (DS)
Promethea, ABC/Wildstorm (RV)
The Punisher, Marvel (KW)
Pure Trance, Last Gasp (DD, RV – 2)
The Push Man and Other Stories, Drawn and Quarterly (ED, CM, RV – 3)Pyongyang, Drawn and Quarterly (CM, CT, TU, RV – 4)
Here’s the key of contributors: Noah Berlatsky = NB; Johanna Draper Carlson = JDC; Tom Crippen = TC; Dirk Deppey = DD; Evan Dorkin = ED; Shaenon Garrity = SG; Paul Gravett = PG; Sammy Harkham = SH; R.C. Harvey = RCH; Jeet Heer = JH; Rich Kreiner = RK; Chris Mautner = CM; Calvin Reid = CR; Diana Schutz = DS; Adam Stephanides = AS; Craig Thompson = CT; Tom Underhill = TU; Kristy Valenti = KV; Rob Vollmar = RV; Kent Worchester = KW.
(Corrected, because spell check isn’t my friend, and I wasn’t nearly smart enough to catch that it was turning “Jeet” into “Janet.”)