Some recent reports from the front lines of manga’s inexorable march towards global dominance:
Scottish bookstore whispers “Tokyopop,” is promptly overrun:
“‘We have now physically run out of tickets and have started a guest list of people who want to come.’” Ottakar’s manager Mark Dear.
Alberta comic shop hosts 12-hour manga-thon:
“‘We had a comic jam a while ago, which is pretty much the same thing but not in the manga style, and I kind of half-jokingly said that we’d have more high-school age turnout if we called it a manga-thon and did it in the manga style. And then Jay (Bardyla, Happy Harbor owner) made it happen.’” Happy Harbor Comics employee Bethany Van Vliet.
Manga U draws international student body:
“Students also get on-the-job training drawing illustrations for local public offices and companies. For example, they can employ their newly learned skills on a manga-style leaflet published by the municipal government on environmental preservation and a brochure promoting the local kimono business.”