It’s not on Diamond’s shipping list or ComicList, but for whatever reason, a paperback edition of the seventh volume of the Treasury of Victorian Murder series (NBM) will be winging its way to my shop tomorrow. And really, who cares why? I love this carefully researched, imaginatively illustrated, and amusingly grisly series.
Also due is the new issue of The Comics Journal (#272). Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #4 stumbles in, hung over, disheveled, and tardy, barely in time to hand things off to Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein. (Note to self: Dig out copy of Zatanna #3 to try and remember what happened last time.) There’s shockingly little in the way of manga (Viz doesn’t have any releases), but there’s a new copy of Tokyopop’s loss leader, Manga Magazine. (It’s about attitude, people.)