Every now and then, a week will sneak up on me that might not have a great volume of comics but holds the promise of plenty of entertaining reading.
Oni does much of the heavy lifting with new issues of both Colleen Coover’s delightful Banana Sunday and Andi Watson’s heartfelt Little Star.
DC trots out the one title in its super-hero line that isn’t counting down to crises, Legion of Super-Heroes #9. Teen Titans #27 is not written by Geoff Johns, which is good, but by guest scribe Gail Simone, which is even better. It’s drawn by Rob Liefeld. You can’t have everything.
Okay, so maybe Fantagraphics won’t quite achieve the wonder of the recent shojo issue of The Comics Journal, but that’s an impossible standard. I’m sure there will be plenty of good reading in TCJ #270, and it’s got a beautiful cover.
And Viz trots out volume 7 of one of my favorite titles, Case Closed. (This manga is in about its zillionth digest in Japan. I wonder how long it will stay fresh?) I’m not quite as sure about Midori’s Days, what with its insert-creepy-double-entendre-here set-up, but I’ve heard good things about it from people whose tastes match mine. We’ll see.