It wouldn’t be Tuesday if I didn’t take a compulsory stroll through the week’s shipping list.
Will Action Comics get back on track after last issue’s surprise crossover? Or will there be post-“Sacrifice” keening and wailing? Oh, no, it’s actually a crossover with Villains United, and since that’s the only big summer mini I’m buying, I won’t complain too much. In the more remote corners of DC, we have Zatanna #3 and Fables #40.
Marvel offers Captain America #8 or 9 (depending on where you’re looking) and Gravity #3. There’s also a hardcover collection of the first 18-issue volume of Runaways, coming in at $34.99, or just under $2 an issue. I have all the singles, and the comics are all available in a relatively cheap digest form, but that’s not a bad price for a hardcover with so much content. Who knew?
Oh, and Marvel also has Young Avengers 7, which makes me very happy.
Fantagraphics has The Comics Journal Library 5: Classic Comics Illustrators, featuring the work of Frank Frazetta, Burne Hogarth, Mark Schultz, Russ Manning and Russ Heath, edited by Tom Spurgeon. (Scroll down a bit on the Fantagraphics home page for the solicitation text and cover image.)
There isn’t a whole lot in the way of manga, but I am curious about Bizenghast, one of Tokyopop’s OEL titles. It certainly looked gorgeous when I gave it a quick browse at Barnes and Noble. And it opened with an in-story newspaper clipping that didn’t make me wince in pain.
Shojo Beat #3 lands from Viz, though I think I’m going to pass and hold out for the tankoubons of the titles I liked. Maybe I’ll cave. We’ll see.