Mely relates an irritating instance of customer service and the depressing issues that swirl around such encounters with surgical precision:
“The thing is—I know the people who most need to hear this probably aren’t going to listen anyway, but I was trained early in childhood to argue with brick walls—the thing is, when someone insults my taste or my intelligence or my entertainment, when someone dismisses something I like as commercial or trashy or dumb or unworthy of attention, when someone announces that my interest in manga is only important as a stepping stone to the holy grails of alt comics or the pockets of DC and Marvel—strangely, this does not make me rethink my tastes.”
There’s fabulous stuff in the comments as well.
Lyle wonders if Chuck Dixon is the right writer for a Midnighter series, given the character’s sexual orientation and what one might charitably call the creator’s ambivalence towards it. Loren at One Diverse Comic Book Nation and Johanna at Comics Worth Reading weigh in as well.
And at Yet Another Comics Blog, Dave Carter is sponsoring his annual Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Fund Drive.