Spatula Forum wants to give you some copies of Jay’s Days in the Jay’s Days Most Embarassing Moments Contest. Having routinely humiliated myself since I’ve been old enough to speak, I really might have a shot at this one. (Deadline is April 15.)
The good folks at Comic Book Galaxy are holding their very own Super-F*cking Contest, in collaboration with Top Shelf and cartoonist James Kolchalka. (Deadline is April 30.)
At The Comics Reporter, Tom Spurgeon takes a very insightful look at “death-driven limited series” and their various implications. If you can stand one more review of Countdown (presuming you’ve already read Paul O’Brien’s), stop by The Shrew Review.
Brian Cronin’s masochism bubbles to the surface again at Comics Should Be Good, as he offers another opportunity for you to decide what he reads next. He’s totally serious, too. He’s even read the That’s So Raven cine-manga. Hard. Core. (Brian does take all the fun out of it by having fairly eclectic tastes in comics to begin with, so it’s not like you can make him weep bitter tears of manly frustration by making him read Paradise Kiss. Killjoy.)
Johanna Draper Carlson has details on Squiddy Awards voting at Cognitive Dissonance.
And last, but not least, I’m not the only one who thinks Manhunter deserves better sales. Gail Simone likes it, too. And if you can’t trust Gail, who can you trust?