… I really hope it isn’t Wolverine 25. Just saying.
Hey, I’ve got an idea! Why don’t we look through this week’s list and see what you could buy instead?
- Birds of Prey 79? Still being written by Gail Simone. What more do you need to know?
- Ex Machina 8? Let’s see if it earns that GLAAD nomination. (I’m pretty sure it will be entertaining even if it doesn’t, so it’s no-lose. Speaking of GLAAD, what the hell are they waiting for?)
- Manhunter 7? More Identity Crisis follow-up for those who needed a hook to try the title, but no tonal carry-over for those of us who were already enjoying it. (Which I’m pretty sure is… me.)
- Essential Luke Cage Vol. 1? Sweet Christmas! Read the stories again, knowing what you now know about Luke.
- Livewires 1? Heard good things about it, but the word “nanotechnology” makes my eyes glaze over sometimes. We’ll see.
- Runaways 1? I loved the first run of this title and see no reason why I shouldn’t feel the same way about the second.
- She-Hulk 12? Runaways returns from a break as She-Hulk heads into one. Soulless corporations giveth. Soulless corporations taketh away. I guess there can be only so many fun books in print at any given time.
- Little Star 1? I ended up liking Love Fights a lot, and I’m curious to see how Andi Watson reads in monthly doses.
See? Oodles of alternatives! (Apologies to Christopher Butcher for including suggestions from the Evil Empire, but this just isn’t a week where I can ignore its books entirely. Curse you, Dan Slott!)