There’s something very troubling about Christopher Butcher blogging about Wolverine. All the same, he brings up a depressing development coming up in this week’s issue. Read the rumor/spoiler here, if you like.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all, honestly. But I find it hard to attribute any deep or insidious meaning to anything Mark Millar writes because his work is all so damned shallow. As Christopher points out, Millar is all about provocation without substance or any underlying philosophy, malicious or otherwise. That doesn’t stop the content from being offensive, mind you. It just mutes any specific objections you might have, because everything on the page is there for shock value.
Dorian was talking about the charge of misogyny against “Avengers Disassembled” and made an excellent point: “Why accuse the author of misogyny when it’ll suffice to call it ‘bad?'” I think that applies in this case.
So, instead of plunking down your dollars for another crassly manipulative Mark Millar comic, why not buy one that’s actually good and could use your support? Might I suggest Runaways #1?