We’ve got just enough of the white stuff for it to be pretty without killing anyone, which is nice. It’s a three-day weekend, which is also nice, and it’s been an unusually productive one.
As I mentioned, I bathed the stinky dog, ran lots of errands, and stocked up on the materials I’d need to sort and box comics so that we could reclaim closet space. (Another bonus of the snow: the hubby’s spring cleaning imperative will go dormant for a bit longer. Seriously, he goes nuts with the drawers and the closets and the “bringing order to every nook and cranny of the home. His weekend has been spent, in part, creating a tool organization system for the garage. Kill me.)
Yesterday was spent cooking, cooking, and more cooking. While I was in the kitchen for a long time, it didn’t actually seem to yield that much. I made a couple of quiches (because we are secure enough in our masculinity not to deny ourselves France’s answer to the bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit), a cheesecake of absolutely ridiculous proportions (anyone want some? it’s chocolate chip, and it has its own area code), and did various piddly kitchen stuff in prep for future meals. Yes, it was nesting day.
I just finished the last of the comic boxing, and that’s really something I should do more often so it isn’t such a total ordeal. (The cats were tremendously helpful, as anyone with feline cohabitants can probably tell you.) Early on, I unearthed my Amelia Rules trades, and I’d planned to review them today. I may still, but the large martini I’m currently drinking is telling me otherwise. (The review I wrote in this state would probably a weepy “I love theshe guysh” kind of deal. I’ll spare you that. You’re welcome.)
The bright side of the whole comics tidying process is that it gives me a sense of how many comics I own that I’ll probably never read again because I didn’t like them that much in the first place. Bonus bright side: I’m in the opinion minority on a lot of them, so there might be a chunk of change to be made. The slightly dark side: I’ll probably be annoying blog visitors with intermittent E-Bay auction announcements. But, hell, if it gets the Batman “Hush” run and pretty much anything by Mark Millar the hell out of my house while letting me cover the cost of a few volumes of Maison Ikkoku, you’ll just have to suffer. Yes, gin makes me mercenary.
Hmm… that drink didn’t last very long. Better go see about a refill.