Two more titles jumped off the reserve list this week.
The Pulse #7 continues to stumble around the fringes of the Secret War mini-series. Secret War (which I would also cut from my list if its chronic lateness didn’t render such a gesture meaningless) barely has enough content to sustain itself, let alone a protracted crossover. There’s a revelation in this issue about how media outlets deal with SHIELD that strains credibility until it snaps right in half. (My inner journalist bristles at the irresponsibility of that tacit agreement, too.) Sad to see such a promising series toss itself off a cliff.
Ultimates #2.2 finally convinces me not to waste any more time or money with this smug exercise. I can hardly recall another title so convinced of how cool it is. Other readers find the craft of the comic able to overcome the essential unlikability of its characters. I come down on the other side of that equation, which probably means I “don’t get it.” I think I can live with the shame.