I don’t normally blog about politics, but I found this to be particularly revolting:
On Thursday the Republican Party owned up to sending mass mailings to residents of Arkansas and West Virginia demonizing homosexuals and predicting liberals would ban the Bible if Democrats won in November.
The campaign literature featured a picture of the Bible with the label “banned” slapped on top of it, and a picture of a man proposing to another man with the caption “allowed.”
It’s so offensive on so many levels… its implicit “gays will take your Bibles” message, its divisiveness, its scapegoating of a segment of the American population, the suggestion that the citizens of West Virginia and Arkansas are so simple and easily frightened that they won’t give a second thought to the illogic of the message, etc., etc., etc… nauseating, hypocritical, insulting garbage.
Must go to the liquor store and buy gin and lottery tickets.