Okay, maybe it was cruel to hope Paul O’Brien would subject himself to Chuck Austen’s Worldwatch. He didn’t, but he’s made up for it with a really terrific review of We3. (Other entertaining analyses can be found at the blogs of David Allison, David Fiore, and Marc Singer, and at Comic Book Galaxy, and Silver Bullet Comics.)
At the Ninth Art, Greg McElhatton looks at November Previews through a haze of over-the-counter medications. Some might argue that’s the safest way. I’m going to have to give Kindaichi Case Files a try. And, look! A She-Hulk collection is on the way!
Scott at Polite Dissent brings us up to date on Latveria’s performance at the Olympics. For those of you who are interested in the real thing, check in with Tom the Dog. (Tom, like Peter David, admires the athleticism of beach volleyball.)
Speaking of Peter David, there’s a preview of Madrox up at Mile High Comics. (I still wonder how posting the complete content of a comic on-line influences sales, but I’m glad to see the book get a push.)
In Lying in the Gutters at Comic Book Resources, Rich Johnston shares a rumor about a possible Identity Crisis plot twist so operatically stupid that I’m tempted to find religion just so I can begin praying it comes to pass. (Found via Fanboy Rampage!)