Because, gosh knows, what I need more than anything are more ways to waste time.
I just finished the expansion pack for Baldur’s Gate II (and enjoyed the heck out of it), and I’m biding my time with Painkiller until I can find something a little meatier. (I like a good run-and-shoot as much as the next person, but they’re always more of a palate-cleanser than a preference.)
So, any thoughts on good games for the PC platform? Here are some of my favorites, if it helps:
- The Elder Scrolls series
- No One Lives Forever I & II (great girl-power Bond parody)
- The Baldur’s Gate series
- Freedom Force (and another one’s coming out… um… sometime! Yay!)
- Alice
Any recommendations are welcome. I really like games that mix hack-and-slash with character bits, some humor, and a strong narrative. Puzzles to solve are another welcome addition, and player-determined alternatives (choosing peaceful solutions over ultra-violence, or options for stealth and guile) are always welcome.