Plenty of good reading can be found at Sequential Tart. For one thing, they’ve announced their Third Annual Tartie Awards, with deserving honorees like MY FAITH IN FRANKIE, BIRDS OF PREY, and RUNAWAYS, and equally deserving dishonorees like death-happy DC, the rape scene in NIGHTWING, and the replacement of Cameron Stewart with Paul Gulacy on CATWOMAN. There’s also a solid piece on “Death and the Role of Gender in Superhero Comics,” which doesn’t say anything particularly new, but it’s a subject that always demands consideration.
Speaking of death and the role of gender, Newsarama has some preview pages of the upcoming BLACK WIDOW title.
Tired of the Bendis backlash? Never fear. Don MacPherson at theFourthRail likes him just fine, so go read his review of POWERS 1. (Cohort Randy Lander offers no opinion on the issue.)